Category Basement Construction

Can You Add Onto An Existing Basement?

Residential Home Addition Construction Building Site for basement, Can You Add Onto An Existing Basement?

Lately, home offices, home schools, and home businesses are the new trend; you might need a more permanent place other than the kitchen table or…

Can You Finish A Dirt Basement?

basement under construction with unfinished wall ceiling and floor. Can You Finish A Dirt Basement

Older homes tend to come with basements with bare dirt floors. In modern home construction, every space available serves a purpose rather than simply providing…

How To Frame A Basement Exterior Wall

New residential construction home framing. How To Frame A Basement Exterior Wall

Although a basement is usually an extra room, it should remain a comfortable, beneficial space in a home. If you’re dealing with unfinished basement walls…

What Wood To Use For Framing A Basement?

Interior frame of a new basement house under construction. What Wood To Use For Framing A Basement

The type of wood chosen to frame a basement significantly impacts the basement’s usability. Since the basement is underneath the ground, it is susceptible to…