Category Basement Doors

How Wide Should A Basement Door Be?

Modern contemporary inspired basement with vinyl flooring, white ceiling with recessed lighting and large sofas, How Wide Should A Basement Door Be

Urbanization has made many homeowners upgrade their homes, looking to basements in a new light as modernized living spaces. And within our living spaces, doors…

Are Bilco Doors Secure?

a green door leading into a basement or cellar, under the shade of trees. Are Bilco Doors Secure

Since the 1920s, Bilco has been making waves around the construction industry being one of the key players in utilizing steel; Bilco actually invented the…

Do Basement Doors Need Headers?

Stairs of home with carpeted treads that leads down to the basement door, Do Basement Doors Need Headers?

Deciding what to use your basement for is a fun and exciting feat – whether you want it to function as a storage area or…